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Hear, Hare, Hair, or Here

Grammar  <<<  Common Errors  <<<  Hear, Hare, Hair, or Here

1. hear [h], (heard)[h:d](v) – (1) to perceive with the ears the sound made by someone or something; (2) to be informed of; (3) to give a formal official, or judicial hearing to (something); (4) to be among the audience at or of (something); (5) to receive information by the ear or otherwise (to hear from a friend)

1. The students heard the bell and rushed out of the schoolroom.
2. I've just heard some bad news on TV and was very upset.
3. The judge heard all witnesses and finally came to decision.
4. Last night the guest heard how our children were playing the piano.
5. Yesterday I heard from my old friend Jane. In her email she told me that her family decided to move abroad.

2. hare [h] (n) – a fast running mammal that resembles alarge rabbit, having very long hind legs, and typically found in the grass and open woodland

1. In the open woodland one of the hunters shot a big running hare.
2. At the zoo two little girls spend much time around the case of the hares.

3. hare [h] (v) (πΰηγ.) – run with great speed; to hare off, to hare it

1. The boys hared off when the man came out of the house and began shouting at them.
2. In the forest the children were scared by a roar, so they hared off between the trees.

4. hair [h] (v) – the mass of fine thread-like strands growing from the skin of humans; hairs collectively, especially those growing on a person's head;

1. My daughter has got blue eyes and darkbrown hair.
2. I've already got many grey hairs on my head.
3. At the restaurant Mike found a hair in his soup and refused to eat.

5. here [h] (v) – this place

1. My parents live near here.
2. There is a beautiful park not far away.

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