Grammar <<< Common Errors <<< Immigrant or emigrant |
1. immigrant (n)(one who enters and settles in a new country)(AUSTRALIAN ENGLISH ALSO migrant) - чужденец, който влиза и се установява в нова страна на постоянно местожителство Millions of immigrants come to America in the 19th century seeking freedom and fulfillment of their dreams. /Милиони имигранти идват в Америка през 19 век, търсейки свобода и осъществяване на своите мечти./ 2. emigrant (n)(one who leaves one's native country to settle in another) - човек, който е напуснал родната си страна и се е заселил в друга The emigrants spent 24 hours on the board of the ship before landing. /Емигрантите прекараха 24 часа на борда на кораба преди да слязат на суша./ Note: The noun forms emigrant and immigrant are derived from the verbs emigrate and immigrate. He emigrated from Russia to the United States. He immigrated to the United States from Russia. In Russia, he's an emigrant. In the United States, he's an immigrant. |
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