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Lesson 26


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London is the capital city of the United Kingdom and Europe’s largest city with an area of 620 square miles. Its history spans nearly 2,000 years, beginning with the arrival of the Romans soon after their invasion of Britain in AD43. London is located in southeast England, on both sides of the Thames River. It offers many exciting attractions, fascinating museums, great galleries, clubs, pubs and restaurants, cinemas, opera and ballet. London is a bustling, growing and diverse metropolis with a population of 7.5 million people.

Today the Greater London administrative area comprises the City of London and 32 London boroughs including the City of Westminster. The City of London, also known as the "square mile", is the historical center of London. It is built on the site of a Roman outpost named Londinium. For a thousand years the City has been an important force in England history. Today this area is one of the world's leading financial centers. The permanent residential population of the City is now less than 6000, but about 350,000 commute here daily to work. The wealth and the power of the City comes from banking, insurance and selling of stocks.

London has been built up gradually in the course of many centuries. It was ruled over by the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons, the Danes and the Normans. They each added something to English life.

When London was rebuilt after the Great Fire of 1666 the City authorities rejected the plans of Christopher Wren (1632-1723) for a new city of squares and wide streets. They retained the medieval street plan and so prepared the way for London’s traffic jams, which were serious even in the days of horse buses. Wren did, however design 52 City churches and London’s Cathedral, St. Paul’s. The great globe of St. Paul's Cathedral glows golden in the fading sunlight as it has since the 17th century, still majestic amid the towers of glass and steel that hem it in.

The Great Fire did not reach the east of the City where William the Conqueror (1027-1087) has built a castle to protect and control London. The castle with the Tower was just outside the walls of the city of the time. Standing beside the river Thames, it formed a valuable defensive point. The massive pile has been at one time or another a citadel, palace, prison, mint, treasury, armoury, observatory and even menagerie. For many years it was the safest stronghold in the country. Kings imprisonment their enemies there and the gray stones of the Tower could tell terrible stories. Nowadays the Tower is a museum and a treasury where the English crown jewels are kept.

The river Thames has a length of 346 kilometres (215 miles) and it is the longest and most important waterway in England. This natural highway connects London with the North Sea. The river is easily navigable and so London has historically been a major port. Until 1749, there was only one bridge across the river: London Bridge. The old London Bridge looked very strange. There were houses and shops on the bridge. Now there are more than twenty bridges over the Thames in London.

Less than a mile upstream from the City is Westminster, which has been the seat of government for nine hundred years. Here the medieval kings and their palace and to it they summoned, about 700 years ago, the first parliaments.

Standing on the site of the old royal palace of Westminster, the House of Parliament is a very large and majestic building, a fine example of 19th century Gothic architecture in Britain. It stands on the left bank of the river Thames and it stretches for about 100 feet.

The Clock Tower of the House of Parliament faces Westminster Bridge. It is nearly 100 meters high. The clock was named after Sir Benjamin Hall, a minister under whose direction it was made. People are allowed to go inside the Clock Tower, if they wish, to see the mechanism of Big Ben. The faces of the clock are very large. The minute hand is 14 feet long, the hour hand is 9 feet and the figures are two feet long. The Great Bell has four little Bens round it. Big Ben strikes only once an hour, but the other four tell the quarter and half-hours. At the side of Big Ben there is a huge hammer weighing over 200 kilograms.

Across the road is Westminster Abbey. The resting place of the royals, Westminster Abbey is one of the most visited churches in the Christian world. Since 1066, when William the Conqueror was crowned there, the Abbey has been the traditional setting for the coronation of British kings and queens and for Royal weddings too. There are countless things to see in the Abbey: the exquisite fan vaulting of the Henry VII Chapel, the tombs and monuments of famous men and women, the life-size effigies of kings and queens. Here is Poet’s Corner where many of the greatest British writers are buried – Chaucer and Dickens, Tennyson and Hardy. Here are monuments to Shakespeare, Burns, Scott, Thackeray, and Longfellow. Here is the Coronation Chair, which contains the Stone of Scone on which Scottish kings were once crowned.

Trafalgar Square was laid out in 1829 to 1841 to commemorate Nelson's victory at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Dominating the square, on a column that is 185 feet high, is the 17 foot high statue of Nelson himself. Around the base of the column are the four giant bronze lions by Landseer. Around the sides of the square are the church of St Martin's in the Fields and the National Gallery which houses one of the world's richest collections of paintings

Buckingham Palace, the London residence of the Queen, stands in the heart of London between St. James’ Park and Green Park. The ceremony of the changing of the Guards takes place at 11.30 a.m., lasting 40 minutes inside the palace railings. A show of pageantry is the most famous of London's regular events.

The University of London is not so famous or so ancient as Oxford and Cambridge Universities, but is, in fact, much larger than either of them. It is made up of a number of colleges, schools, and attached institutes, which range from the London School of Economics and Political Science to King's College and several medical schools. The University of London has an outstanding international reputation founded on the quality of its teaching and research.

Not far from the University is the British Museum. Here is a place that is a veritable treasure house - a repository of some of the most priceless historical relics to be found upon the earth. It contains, for instance, the famous Papyrus Manuscript of Thotmes II of the first Egyptian dynasty--a thing known to scholars all over the world as the oldest extant specimen of what can be called writing.

The traffic in London, as in all big cities, is very heavy. Many English people use double-decker buses but most people prefer the Underground or the Tube. London was the first city in the world to have an underground railway.

London’s traffic pollution – one of its worst problems – is offset by surprisingly large expanses of greenery: Hyde Park, Green Park and St James’s Park are all within a few minutes’ walk of the West End, while, further afield, you can enjoy the more expansive parklands of Hampstead Heath and Richmond Park.

Oxford Street is the busiest shopping street in Europe, with over 300 shops. It receives in excess of 200 million visitors a year and turns over Ј5 billion in revenue

London is so large and has so many historical monuments that even people who have lived in London all their lives often discover something new.

Source: Internet

  1. square metre/mile - квадратен метър/миля
  2. to spin (span, spun)(-nn-) - проточвам, простирам
  3. attraction - нещо, което привлича, атракция; привлекателност, чар
  4. pub (FORMAL public house)(UK) - разг. кръчма
  5. bustling - оживен, раздвижен; шумен
  6. diverse (a) - 1. различен; 2. разнообразен
  7. metropolis - столица, главен град; метрополия; the ~ англ. гр. Лондон
  8. the Greater London - голям Лондон (с предградията)
  9. to comprise - обхващам; включвам;състоя се от
  10. borough - градче; (municipal) ~ град/градеки район с общинско самоуправление
  11. site - местоположение, място
  12. outpost - преден пост, аванпост
  13. to commute (am.) - пътувам всеки ден с влак и пр. до работата си в града и обратно
  14. to reject - отхвърлям
  15. to retain - задържам; запазвам
  16. traffic jam - задръстване на движението
  17. to glow - грея, светя; блестя
  18. amid - (в)сред, между; посред
  19. tower - кула; The Clock Tower - Часовниковата кула
  20. hem in - о(б)кръжавам; ограждам
  21. conqueror - завоевател, победител
  22. castle - замък, крепост
  23. defensive - отбранителен; предпазен
  24. pile - камара, грамада; грамадно здание
  25. mint - монетен двор
  26. treasury - съкровищница; хазна
  27. armoury - 1. оръжеен склад; 2. оръжейна сбирка/колекция; 3. ам. оръжеен завод
  28. menagerie - менажерия
  29. stronghold - укрепление, крепост
  30. jewel - 1. скъпоценен камък; 2. pl бижута, скъпоценности, украшения
  31. waterway - воден път, плавателен канал
  32. port - пристанище; пристанищен град
  33. upstream - (който се движи) нагоре по/срещу течението
  34. seat - седалище
  35. medieval - средновековен
  36. to summon - 1. призовавам; повиквам (и в сьд); 2. събирам, свиквам (и парламент)
  37. bank - бряг (на река, канал, езеро); крайбрежие
  38. to name after - кръщавам на
  39. face - циферблат
  40. hand - стрелка
  41. figure - цифра, число
  42. hammer - чук
  43. exquisite - изискан, изящен, фин
  44. fan - l. ветрило; 2. вентилатор
  45. vaulting - извит във формата на дъга
  46. tomb - 1. гроб; гробница; 2. надгробен камък/паметник
  47. effigy - изображение, образ, портрет
  48. to bury - погребвам
  49. to lay out - оформям; планирам; трасирам (път, улица)
  50. to commemorate - 1. празнувам, отбелязвам (годишнина) 2. ознаменувам (сьбитие), почитам (пиметта ни)
  51. to house - 1. давам/намирам жилище на, подслонявам (се); давам подслон на; 2. складирам, затварям, помествам
  52. painting - картина (с бои)
  53. railing - често pl перила, парапет; преграда, бариера
  54. pageantry - блестящо зрелище
  55. outstanding - изтъкнат, бележит, виден
  56. veritable - истински, същински
  57. repository - склад, хранилище
  58. priceless - безценен, неоценим
  59. manuscript - ръкопис
  60. scholar - учен
  61. extant - съществуващ; запазен
  62. double-decker bus - автобус на два етажа
  63. to offset - компенсирам
  64. expanse - широко пространство; протежение
  65. greenery - зеленина, растителност
  65. afield - далеч, настрана
  67. in excess of - повече от
  68. revenue - 1. (годишен) доход; 2. pl доходи, приходи, постъпления

 Historic or Historical

   ATTENTION: compose, comprise, consist of, include -
   Parts compose a whole.
   A whole consists of or comprises parts.
   Comprise may refer to all parts or only major parts.
   Consist means that all parts are listed, but include does not.

More London Attractions

London Eye

The London Eye

The London Eye is a Ferris-wheel of sorts with 32 high-tech, glassed-in carriages, each accommodating up to 25 passengers, rotating upward and around with continuous piped-in commentary. Each air-conditioned carriage rotates on a device designed to keep everyone upright as the wheel slowly revolves. On a clear day, the panorama can stretch as far as Heathrow Airport and Windsor Castle.

Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum

From Ben Franklin to Brad Pitt, you can rub shoulders with the rich and famous at this popular museum, which casts lifelike wax figures in realistic settings. Things have gotten much, much livelier at Madame Tussaud's with the arrival of a likeness of Jennifer Lopez, whose cheeks turn pink when someone whispers in her ear. Live actors now work the room, joining visitors in celebrity gossip, even in the powder room. Visitors also can be interviewed by a reporter, or made up by a live stylist. Another new attraction is the 15-foot Hulk, inspired by the Universal Pictures film version. The Queen is on display, along with Henry VIII and all six of his wives, Queen Elizabeth I, and Diana, Princess of Wales.

London Dungeon

These dark and nasty catacombs house a grand and spooky tour of medieval torture, from heads on spikes to criminal boiling in pots of oil. You can follow in the footstep of the famous Jack the Ripper and then run the Gauntlet of Fire.

Tate Britain

The Tate Britain is the keeper of an impressive historical archive of British art. Built in 1897, the Tate underwent an ambitious program of expansion, the Centenary Development, completed in November 2001.

Ten new galleries and five refurbished galleries showcase the collection of peerless Blakes, Reynolds, Gainsboroughs, Hogarths, Constables, Turners and Pre-Raphaelite beauties and provide space for temporary exhibitions and educational projects.

Hyde Park

Hyde Park used to be a royal hunting ground, was once a venue for duels, executions and horse racing, and even became a giant potato field during WWII. This large royal park is best known for its famous Speakers' Corner, where people speak their minds; Rotton Row, a famous horse-riding area; and Serpentine Lake, home to waterfowl and oarsmen. The park has sculptures by Jacob Epstein and Henry Moore.

London Aquarium

Opposite Big Ben, the London Aquarium is the one place where visitors can come upon sizable sharks, gaze at seahorses, and meet frenzied piranhas. Touching is permitted for friendly rays, starfish and crabs.

London Zoo

More than 12,000 animals from Asian lions to sloth bears are on display at this zoo in the heart of majestic Regent’s Park, boasting gardens, fine art and notable architecture. At the “Animals in Action” section, animals show off their skills by flying, leaping and climbing.

Royal Botanic Gardens

Founded in 1761 and covering 288 acres, the Gardens at Kew contain living collections of more than 40,000 varieties of plants, seven spectacular glasshouses and two art galleries, along with a Japanese rock garden.

Piccadilly Circus

Piccadilly Circus, located in the heart of London's West End, is another popular tourist attraction. Known around the world for its illuminated neon signs, Piccadilly Circus is essentially a busy with Regent Street, Piccadilly, Shaftesbury Avenue and Haymarket. The center of the roundabout features the famous Statue of Eros — the Greek God of Love — which rises high above a fountain.


A trip to London wouldn't be complete without a visit to world-famous Harrods, ranked as the third most popular destination in the city. The building is stunning, and multi-levels of specialty boutiques take department store browsing to new heights. Harrods had its beginnings in 1849 when Henry Charles Harrods opened a small grocery shop nearby on Brompton Road.

Covent Garden

Once a vegetable field attached to Westminster Abbey, Covent Garden became the low-life haunt of Pepys, Fielding and Boswell, then a major fruit and veg market, and is now a triumph of conservation and commerce. The piazza is surrounded by designer gift and clothes shops, hip bars and restaurants. Stalls sell overpriced antiques and bric-a-brac.

Bohemian Soho

Soho is a multicultural area of London's West End in the City of Westminster, which is home to industry, commerce, culture and entertainment, as well as a residential area for both rich and poor. The area has many clubs, bars, and restaurants, as well as late night coffee shops that give the street an open all night feel at the weekends. Soho is by the heart of London's theatre area, and a centre of the independent film and video industry, as well as the television and film post-production industry.

Source: London Attractions & Internet

1. Ferris wheel - виенско колело (в увеселителен парк)
2. to revolve - въртя (се)
3. wax figure - восъчна фигура
4. gossip - клюка, клюки
5. dungeon - (подземен) затвор, тъмница
6. nasty - противен, отвратителен
7. spooky - призрачен, напомнящ призраци; 2. обитаван от призраци
8. peerless - безподобен, несравним
9. venue - място за срещи
10. waterfowl - сьбир. водни птици
11. oarsman - (pl -men) гребец
12. venue - място за срещи
13. frenzied - обезумял, бесен
14. starfish - морска звезда
15. glasshouse - оранжерия
16. stunning - зашеметяващ; 2. поразително красив, разкошен; смайващ
17. stall - щанд
18. bric-a-brac - фр. дребни антикварни предмети; джунджурии

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